
Please ask for a copy of the Admissions Policy or Click here to Download our Admission Arrangements Policy.

The Local Authority in which the individual student resides funds the majority of placements. Privately funded pupils/students are considered on an individual basis; however, Local Authority placements are required to take priority over privately funded requests.

Seadown will admit pupils restricted to the prime category of admission approved by the Secretary of State for the individual school and registered with the Governments EDUBASE2 public database.

It is the responsibility of the Headteacher to consider and prioritise referrals with reference to the statutory requirements in the Children and Families Act 2014, Section 38, 39 and 42. These sections refer to the individual’s EHC Plans and considers:

  • The parents/carers right to name the school of their choice.
  • The requirement for the Local Authority to consult the Headteacher to ensure the individuals particular needs can be met.
  • The compatibility of the individual with the pupils/students currently on roll of the school.
  • The compatibility of the efficient use of school resources (such as exceeding the number of pupils within age groups).
  • The Local Authority’s duty to secure special educational provision and health care provision in accordance with the EHC Plan.


Adhering to the above admission criteria is essential especially when there are an excess number of referrals for limited places available within the school.

Seadown School admits students ranging from Years 1 to 11. Students may start at any time throughout the course of the school year, providing there is space available.

Seadown is open 39 weeks a year, in line with West Sussex Local Authority term-times, where possible.

Seadown School provides education and support for the following:

Social, Emotional or Mental Health difficulty (SEMH); Autistic Spectrum Condition / Disorder (ASC), including Aspergers; Social/communiction difficulties and/or Moderate Learning Difficulty (MLD) and associated difficulties.

It is the school’s policy that pupils admitted have an EHCP/ SEN Statement of Educational Needs, in conjunction with the areas described above. Decisions as to each student’s suitability to the school will be made on an individual basis.

Privately funded pupils/students are considered on an individual basis; however, Local Authority placements are required to take priority over privately funded requests.


When a pupil is placed at Seadown School, part of the initial planning process is as follows:

  • arrangements for the family to attend an informal visit to the school*;
  • arrangements for assessment by the school and familiarisation by the families;
  • assessment process and approval from the Headteacher;
  • communicating the outcome of the assessment with the Local Authority and parent/carer;
  • content of the offer letter, if accepted;
  • procedures upon receipt of the acceptance letter including entering a record in the Register of Pupils Admission and attainment history; to be received from the transition school and updated if available, or created if not available.


In the first few weeks following admission**:

  • Social, emotional tracking system
  • Bespoke Risk Assessment
  • Positive Behavioural Strategy (PBS)
  • Missing Persons Protocol (MISPER)


*For Local Authority enquiries, Seadown School is required to obtain permission to make initial contact with the family from the Local Authority.

**Ongoing monitoring and formative assessment takes place